Exciting Pirate Treasure Hunt Back Stories
Thanks to the popularity
of the video game industry, every child has a full understanding of what
a back story is. Every main character in the games they play has some
sort of past that interrelates with the whole story of the game itself.
The kids really get into them, too, sharing these stories on the playgrounds
and in the lunchrooms. So, why not add a little back story to your pirate
themed treasure hunt!? The story doesn't have to be overly involved, just
enough to pique their interests and motivate them to become a part of
the treasure hunt you have planned.
Pirate Themed Scavenger Hunt Lists - Download them all now!
six different lists to choose from, you won't have any trouble finding
the perfect activity you'd like to plan. There's even a for prereaders
(with images only.) High quality images are also included that can
be printed and hidden so that your scavenger hunt can be set up
just about anywhere. Photo hunt options, bonus points and even a
couple puzzles thrown in. You'll find the list that's just right
for you! CLICK
Now, I know that many of you might be thinking "Well, it's a pirate's
isn't that back story enough?" Well, why don't we consider
adding a little more to the story. Where did the treasure come from? Who
had it last? Is it lost or was it stolen? Is there a curse associated
with it? Let's add some excitement and mystery to the mix. Consider adding
one of the following back stories to your pirate treasure hunt:
Feuding Captains - So the story goes, two pirate ship captains
joined forces to take on a heavily gunned and defended Spanish galleon.
The booty was then stored on an island where the men began to split the
wealth between the two crews. It wasn't long before the two captains began
to quarrel over the equality of the split and a war broke out between
the two crews. Neither crew was ever heard from again. However, the story
somehow got out. Someone must have made it out alive. Do they still know
where the treasure is? Find him and maybe you'll find the treasure!
Where's My Treasure? - Have a volunteer, dressed as a pirate, come
in to your party and take one of your guests 'hostage' (of course this
will be all arranged ahead of time so that your guest is prepared to be
'taken.') He will explain how he's been searching for his brother's treasure
for five years but hasn't found it. His brother promised him a share of
the treasure that he accumulated after years of piracy at sea. However,
the buccaneer brother died before he could tell him where he stashed it.
He's desperate for the treasure and will run your guest through if they
don't find the treasure within one hour (or however long you want your
treasure hunt to last.) He can then give the treasure hunters the last
clue that he was following and they will be off!
A Ghost of a Captain - A notorious pirate captain has attacked the
most number of ships of any other captain in the Caribbean, but failed
to successfully gain any real fortune. Dying as a laughing stock in the
piratical world, his ghost is cursed to walk the earth searching for treasure
as he did when he was alive. At your party, have a volunteer dressed like
a ghost pirate cause a lot of trouble (spilling drinks, moving furniture
in annoying places, etc.) To end the madness, make a deal with the captain
(of course, in front of everyone) that if your party guests can find some
treasure for him that he will leave the party and never return.
The Shifty Captain - When Captain Bloodlust and his crew sunk the
S.S. Flora off the coast of Jamaica, the whole crew thought that they
could retire and settle down on one of the local islands
until the
captain turned traitor on his own crew. Moving the choicest pieces of
the treasure to a small away boat, he blew the hull of the ship while
his men slept at night, sinking the ship and killing everyone on board.
Rumors floated throughout the islands regarding different sitings of the
but no word on the treasure. Where did he stash it? Your
treasure hunters could be the ones to find out!
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